NFL Off Season Thoughts
Thursday, April 22, 2010 at 09:45AM
Jason Maust in Broncos, Dolphins, Football, Kolb, McNabb, NFL, Patriots, Redskins, Roethlisberger

Wow, what a busy off season.  Usually, the time betweeen the Free Agent signing period beginning and the NFL Draft is very dull, but this season has certainly stayed lively.  Here are some of my thoughts on what has gone down so far pre-draft:

McNabb - While all my Redskins fans are hesitant on this one (Redskins giving up more draft picks for old players), I think this is a win-win for Washington.  First, McNabb still has at least 3 more good years in him.  He may be injured for a few games here and there, but this is no doubt an upgrade.  Second, I think Kevin Kolb is a servicable quarterback...but if they think he is the guy that puts them back in the Superbowl, boy are they wrong.  Andy Reid is showing his arrogance at its highest level.  All the ills the Eagles have experienced I blame fully on Reid and this will be the final straw that breaks the massive camel's back.

Dolphins - Now that it looks like Miami is happy with long term options at QB, the Brandon Marshall trade seems to be a perfect fit to balance the Wildcat with a deep threat.  This team could be scary if Ronnie Brown resigns.  However, getting rid of Ted Ginn Jr. doesn't seem to fit to me.  Getting rid of a top flight return guy/so-so receiver doesn't make them a better team.  Before, Miami just had a bunch of 2 and 3s at WR.  Now, they have a one and mostly 3s.  I would have kept Ginn, we will see how it affects special teams production this season.  As for Denver, their teenage coach is determined to remake the team in his image.  We will see how that pans out.

Jets - The J -E -T -S, JETS, JETS, JETS are turning into a scary team this year, however, I think most of their off season moves will have no impact or negative impact.  Cromartie is a player that his former team was willing to let walk...that should tell you something.  He struggles at times on deep routes.  Granted, he will always be covering the 2nd best WR now with Revis on the other side, so maybe that is enough.  Tomlinson will be a huge non-factor.  The Jets gave up a 1000+ yard back who is at the height of his career in Thomas Jones and brings in a sub-1000 yard back who is clearly on the decline.  This makes little sense.  The Jets will be good this year, but I think the Holmes trade will have far more to do with this than all the other moves combined. 

Some quick ones:

-Willie Parker in Washington...with Larry Johnson...goodbye Mr. Portis.

-Patriots signing Crumpler...I hope he fumbles as much as he did for my Titans in big games.

-Ben Roethlisberger's suspension could not be more approrpiate...if for no other reason than it means he will miss the Week 2 game against the Titans.

-I think Arizona will be fine with Hollywood Matt.  Certainly Anderson is not the answer.  Any debate over a QB battle will be short lived.

-Lovie Smith seems to be losing it in Chicago.  Some people see a big season from the Bears, but not with Cutler at QB. 

I will follow up with a post draft one as well...then of course, there are also my world famous season predictions just before Week 1.

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