2016 Highly Accurate NFL Predictions
Thursday, September 10, 2015 at 07:45AM
Jason Maust in 2016 NFL Predictions, Football, Fun, Mariota, NFL, Tennessee Titans, WVU


Oh, thank heavens, it's that time of year again.  No, not time for football, funnel cake season!  But, since a lot of people seem to care about football, I suppose I should actually tell everyone exactly what is going to happen this season so they don't need to actually bother watching the games.  I'm nice like that, what can I say.  Anyhow, here is exactly, team-by-team, horrible player-by-Manziel what will happen in this glorious football season.  As a side note, last year's predictions were a little down...only 51.2% correct.  This year, I am guessing high 90s!



Article originally appeared on JasonMaust.com (http://www.jasonmaust.com/).
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