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Week 7 NFL Predictions

Week 7, here I come.

Cincinnati Bengals at Atlanta Falcons:

Palmer is playing too poorly for this to be a win.  I see the Falcons getting back on track on both phases of offense.  Winner: Falcons

Pittsburgh Steelers at Miami Dolphins:

Unless Harrison helmet to helmets so much during the game that they just get free yards, this defense will not allow anything.  Ben will barely have to play (he can use the free time to talk to girls in the stands).  Winner:  Steelers

Buffalo Bills at Baltimore Ravens

As much as I hate the Ravens, I have no choice but to pick them with the light schedule they have faced so far.  Winner: Ravens

Jacksonville Jaguars at Kansas City Chiefs:

Which Chiefs team will show up?  Which Jaguars team will show up?  I am betting on the crappy ones for both teams, edge to the home team.  Winner: Chiefs

Cleveland Browns at  New Orleans Saints:

Saints defense should come up big, but the scores will still be low for no good reason.  Winner: Saints

Washington Redskins at Chicago Bears:

McNabb playing in his home city and Jay Cutler looking just terrible.  The key will be the Steelers defense, which I think will have enough this week, though beware Forte.  Winner:  Redskins

San Francisco 49ers at Carolina Panthers:

Huh?  This is a real game.  Ick.  John Fox will lock down the reason no one will pick up his contract.  Winner: 49ers

St. Louis Rams at Tampa Bay Buccaneers:

Rams are a poor road team and Josh Freeman has his moments when it counts.  Winner:  Buccaneers

Philadelphia Eagles at Tennessee Titans:

The QB issue for both teams need to be watched.  I have faith the Titans can shut down Kolb, but if they shut him down too hard, then they may have Vick to deal with minus a gameplan to deal with him.  That is when he is at his worst (not counting when he is killing dogs).  I think CJ kills them on the ground and that makes the difference. Winner: Titans

Arizona Cardinal at Seattle Seahawks:

Well, since Seattle should win, I am going with the rookie.  Winner: Cardinals

New England Patriots at San Diego Chargers:

The Patriots will deliver the knock out blow...until the Chargers come to life and win every game down the stretch.  Just not this one.  Winner: Patriots

Oakland Raiders at Denver Broncos:

The truth is, the Raiders vaunted pass defense...not too great.  Orton will kill them through the air.  And no Tebow.  Winner: Broncos

Minnesota Vikings at Green Bay Packers:

The Packers offensive line is just miserable, but for my SB prediction to come true, Rodgers needs to man up.  Winner: Packers

New York Giants at Dallas Cowboys:

I think Tom Coughlin reverts to the unlovable loser we all know him to be.  Romo will have one of those freaky games he sometimes does.  Winner: Cowboys.

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