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Week 9 Predictions

I have had two great weeks in a row, let's see if I can follow that up.

New York Jets at Detroit Lions:

I think the Lions are really coming around and Sanchez has fallen back to earth, but this probably comes down to the ground game.  Winner: Jets

Miami Dolphins at Baltimore Ravens:

Another one where I really think the Dolphins have a shot, but in the end I see another game where someone tries to steal that wildcard spot from my Titans.  Winner: Ravens

New England Patriots at Cleveland Browns:

Tom Brady knows that Cleveland is looking for a new superstar sports figure, he may just move in cause he will own this game.  Winner: Patriots

San Diego Chargers at Houston Texans:

Typically, I would take the home team, but I just don't see Rivers even blinking at the Texans defense.  High scorer here, but edge to the team that, as always, wants to claw its way back.  Winner: Chargers

Chicago Bears and Buffalo Bills in Canada of all make believe places:

Maybe Jay Cutler's issue has been playing on US soil.  The Bills have really come back recently and Jay is soooo bad, the Bears will Martz this one.  Go Bills!  Winner: Bills

Arizona Cardinals at Minnesota Vikings:

Derek Anderson...the only player who could ever steal that interception crown away from Favre.  Yeah, he is terrible.  Winner: Vikings

Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Atlanta Falcons:

Shockingly, this has lined up to be a good game.  Who knew?  These teams are even enough that you have to give it to the home crowd.  Winner: Falcons

New Orleans Saints at Carolina Panthers:

The Saints may be cursed...but the Panthers are already deceased.  Winner: Saints

New York Giants at Seattle Seahawks:

Ughhh...I still have not picked a single Seahawks game correct this season.  Since I want New York to win, I guess I will pick the Neon Green chickens.  Winner: Seahawks

Indianapolis Colts at Philadelphia Eagles:

Everyone is bringing up the QB match up here.  Like this is a contest.  Peyton Manning was just voted the Number 8 greatest PLAYER ever.  Vick wasn't even on the Number 8 cell block.  Winner: Colts

Kansas City Chiefs at Oakland Raiders:

Again, who knew this would be the game of the week.  Go with who you hate.  Winner: Raiders

Dallas Cowboys at Green Bay Packers:

Ahhh, NBC really thought this one would be a ratings draw of possible play off warriors.  So very wrong.  Winner: Packers

Pittsburgh Steelers at Cinncinati Bengals:

Carson Palmer is way too terrible to even stand a chance here.  Winner:  Steelers

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