The long national nightmare may finally be over, but does that mean we are allowed to be excited about football now? UH - HUH! The following are my thoughts on this off season, both in what has happened and what I think may happen.
Lockout: Yeah, that was pretty much the worst possible thing that has ever happened to me in my entire life. Or could ever happen, at least for the next 10 years when the CBA expires again. The unfortunate thing, as we all now probably realize, is all the silliness this summer had to last so long because the owners had absolutely nothing to lose...until the threat of missing a week of preseason football became real. $200 million dollars lost is a mighty good reason to get serious. Let's face it, though, the lockout could have not been in effect until, let's say, July 15th and we could have had all the other football stuff (free agency, rookies signed, etc.) and then gotten serious when it was time to REALLY start trying. Oh well, let's never speak of this summer again.
Titans: With the lockout, not a lot to talk about, but a few issues did come up:
- Jake Locker...really? This draft pick smells of desperation and not knowing what to do with the direction of the team. I would have preferred Nick Fairley, even with the issues, and Colin Kappernick in the second round over this situation. Locker is a good kid...but "good" don't win Superbowls.
- Kenny Britt...really? You know, when most people get caught breaking the law...they kinda lay off the being stupid for a few weeks...not this kid, no sir. Hopefully all the dumb is out of his system and Red Headed Roger doesn't suspend him.
- The new coaching staff...really? I am sorry, filling the coaching staff with former players from the Oilers day may get you some good fire-side stories and less hotel rooms to book for the reunion, but since only one of these guys ever made it to the Superbowl (Matthews, which was a great pick), maybe they should look for winners who can coach instead of guys who know their way to the cafeteria prior to showing up the first day.
- Matt Hasselbeck...really...good. I like this. Part of me still wanted Bulger, but anything is better than getting McNabb or Kolb, so this should work. Important thing to remember: Hasselbeck use to be really awesome...when he had a great left tackle (Jones) and a great running back/Barber brother want-to-be (Alexander). Now he has Michael Roos and Chris Johnson. The ingredients are there...I am just saying.
- Free agents - Re-signing: I would like to see them keep Babin and Hall, the rest I am luke warm on.
- Free agents - Bring 'em in: If they don't keep Hall, they need to steal Leach from Texas to destroy their run game. They need to target LB and interior O-line first and foremost. Everything else is gravy.
- Vince Young...I still love 'em...and I may see more of him cause my money now is on him being the Redskins starter.
Other News:
McNabb in Minnesota: Brilliant...a disaster, but brilliant! Who knew the Skins could make a good move??
Dallas: I think they will miss Barber and for some reason Roy Williams will go somewhere and actually play like Texas Roy Williams.
Kolb-apalooza: Never has there been more speculation and excitement for a player who has done NOTHING to earn it. Sure, Arizona will probably get him...but then what? They will not break .500 for the next 3 years.
Love me the Commish: I think Harrison should totally sue the NFL for his right to free speech being violated if Gingeroger fines or suspends him for merely threatening his life. That will be FABULOUS!!!!
J-E-T-REALLY? If they get Asomugha then a QUARTER of their cap will be tied up in just their secondary. Dumb move cause if you get him and Brady still lights you up, then the rest of your team will be starved you have no chance of winning. Sanchez says he will lower his numbers to make it happen. All that bronzer has soaked into his brain. You know what you will be rewarded with for your sacrifice...a busted knee, being cut from the team, and marrying a reality TV star to pay the bills.
Speaking of Reality TV Stars: Jay Cutler, even a "star" from The Hills finds you too annoying to spend time with. Get a clue, and fast before Detroit's new D-line murders you to death. Yeah, I am so broken up the Titans took Young over you and your whopping one winning season.
Reggie Bush, if you can hear me, I will give you a 2 year contract to mow my lawn, cause that is about all you are worth.

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