
A Dream Come True...My Flight In A B-17G Flying Fortress

As a WWII aircraft enthusiast, getting to fly in an actual B-17G Flying Fortress was the experience of a lifetime. Click on the post for the full story as well as more videos from this wild ride.

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Happy Barthday???

This was my "Barthday" cake from Dairy Queen from my 33rd Birthday party.  A work of art, wouldn't you say?  Fortunately, the guy at the store did ask my wife how to spell "Jason."


NFL Season Predictions - Recap

Yeah, I am way behind on recapping these, but at long last, let's see how awesome I am (please note, very little awesome will be contained within):

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At Long Last...2011 NFL Season Predictions

And I came down from on high carrying two stone tablets and on those stone tablets, you know, the world's best, always spot on, astounding, amazing, NFL predictions!

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The long national nightmare may finally be over, but does that mean we are allowed to be excited about football now? UH - HUH! The following are my thoughts on this off season, both in what has happened and what I think may happen.

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Recap of Last Year's NFL Predictions

Well, I have been taking my time, but is finally time that I go back and recap where my NFL Predictions fell for last year. Not saying I did bad, but not as well as when I actually predicted a season ending injury for Tom Brady. Let's take a look!

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Galaxy Tab 10.1 Review

I was fortunate enough that my wife purchased me the new Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 WiFi Android tablet last weekend and I thought I would share my thoughts.

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Resume Verbs - great site for job seekers

I found a great site today for anyone trying to spruce up their resumes.  As most people know, all descriptions on your resume should begin with an action oriented term...Managed; Developed; Created, etc.  However, eventually, every line of your resume looks the same because you use the same 3 or 4 verbs every time. 

Check out this great Boston College website that lists a ton of verbs you can use to make every line of your resume seem fresh and interesting. 

It must be good if I am willing to link to a school website of a Big East defector.


Superbowl Pick Time Baby

In a lot of ways, this may be the best Superbowl match-up prior to the game that I can remember for a long time. Two teams with great defenses, infamous QBs trying to ignore their pasts (for very different reason), blue-collar teams, and teams with largely overweight fan bases. But the real question is...who will win (especially since the VW Darth Vader commercial is already commercial of the year)?

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One for one with the Pro Bowl

This must mean I pick that other end of the year game right...


The only game that matters...ProBowl Prediction!

I have been of the opinion for years that the AFC is the far superior football conference, but this is the great equalizer, the game everyone waits for, this is why we play the game. It's ProBowl baby. Who's going to win??

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Championship Predictions

A lot of stuff going down in my life, so I will not bore anyone.  The Superbowl will be...

Green Bay Packers v Pittsburgh Steelers


Divisional Wrap-up lot in life.


Divisional Round Predictions

OK, this is what I really meant:

Baltimore Ravens at Pittsburgh Steelers:

I do not think the Steelers are a play-off caliber team this year.  Having said that, Flacco against Polamalu is the only match-up that matters here and Flacco always seems to destroy their hopes like having your two friends kill a dude and then testify against them to avoid jail and win the Superbowl MVP the same year...or something like that.  Winner: Steelers

Green Bay Packers at Atlanta Falcons:

Man, I really wanted the Packers to go beat the Bears prior to this, but I do think Rodgers has what it takes to win this game as long as he limits his mistakes.  Winner: Packers

New Orle...oh yeah, right...Seattle Seahawks at Chicago Bears:

While I am normally such a huge fan of Jay Cutler and his constant sacks, fumbles, un-godly amount of interceptions, and general loser life, this is a tough one.  It is impossible to believe Seattle wins again, but it is impossible for me to pick the game right anyway, so just so I can say I did it if they win, give me the bigger of the two losers.  Winner: Seahawks

New York Jets at New England Patriots:

Talk about choosing the lesser of two evils here.  But thanks to Cromartie, I see Bieber putting up at least 70 against them.  This game will be over by the second quarter.  Winner: Patriots

Superbowl Match-up...Still...Packers versus Patriots


Wildcard Recap

Uh, I at least got two right.  The good news is my Superbowl pick is still alive.